盘长结 This animation goes through the transformation of theBuryat ethnic group. This group resides in the Republic of Buryatia, near lakeBaikal, a Federal Subject of Russia. The Buryat people have experienced a longand culturally rich history full of folk lore and adaptive tradition. Overtime, Buryat beliefs and influences have changed many times while still stayingtrue and loyal to their core belief and understanding of their own history.This animation goes through the process of this change. As time passes in thisanimation, you will see the intertwining of different cultures and beliefs.Some of these factors include the far reaching influences of Buddhism, theMongol Empire, the spread of Communism and others. Through the spiritual andhistorical journey explored in this story, the viewer will witness the beautyin the traditional clothing and folk lore from each stage of Buryat history. 作者信息 王索菲亚邮箱:sofiya.van23@gmail.com导演,编剧,故事板,动画,人物设计,材质 瓦连金微信:versidue背景设计,场景模型,编辑 指导老师:洪汎 静帧展示 动态展示 鹏 这片永远刮着大风的土地已经不适合人居住了,只有一位老人不顾周围人的反对回到了这里。他这次回来就是想要止住这永不停歇的大风,他想做点什么,他曾经在这里生活过。所以他不停地往风洞口丢石头、沙土、废铁等。 等到有一天他终于填满了洞把风止住,鹏却意外地掉了下来。他想帮鹏重新飞起来,可是鹏只有靠风才可以飞。在尝试了各种方法都失败了之后,老头最后还是决定砸开洞口。 作者信息 马琼茜邮箱:1599233237@qq.com微信:m1582882编剧 分镜 人设 场景 原画 指导老师:于海燕 静帧展示